[NEWS] 140521 INFINITE make an interesting promise for first place + speak about promoting with veteran singers

During the comeback showcase in Seoul on May 21, INFINITE made an interesting promise to their fans that they would keep if they won first place.

They said, “If we win first place, Sungyeol will dress up as Romeo and Dongwoo as Juliet, then go on stage.”
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[NEWS] 140513 Infinite to Launch Grand-Scale Showcase in Korea, Japan and Taiwan

Infinite will be launching a three day showcase in Korea, Japan and Taiwan, announcing the release of its second full length album Season 2.

On May 13, Infinite announced through its official website that it will be holding grand-scale showcases in Korea, Japan and Taiwan.

The showcase held in Japan on May 19, Taiwan on 20 and Korea on 21, signifies Infinite’s official promotional activities to expand overseas, after its world tour One Great Step took place last year.

Infinite to Launch Grand-Scale Showcase in Korea, Japan and Taiwan

The showcase’s title ‘1.2.3’ signifies ‘only 1 time opportunity,’ ‘2nd full length album Season 2’ and ‘showcase held in 3 countries over 3 days.’ Read more >>